MotoGP™ and ICATME continue to provide the best medical care

As part of QuirónSalud, a new Orthopedic Injuries unit for MotoGP™ has been created to ensure the best medical treatment

Dorna Sports and ICATME (the Catalan Institute of Traumatology and Sports Medicine) have signed an agreement to ensure the pinnacle of motorcycle racing continues to receive the best medical treatment and response throughout the entirety of the 2018 season. Drawing on the experience gained since the introduction of the Medical Team in 2012, the MotoGP™ Major Orthopedic Injuries Unit has been created for the urgent and specialist treatment of injuries occurring in the MotoGP™ World Championship.

Dr Xavier Mir, who will also visit various round on the calendar, will be the coordinator of this unit as part of his role as the Head of the Hand and Microsurgery Unit at the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery at the Hospital Universitario Quiron Dexeus. The service will be available during any active period of competition, with services at Hospital Universitari Dexeus – Grupo Quirónsalud in Barcelona ready and waiting.

ICATME was recognised as the best Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology department in Spain in the Index of Hospital Excellence in 2016, 2017 and 2018 – the perfect rapid response partner for the MotoGP™ World Championship. The team of surgeons includes upper limb specialists Dr Xavier Mir and Victor Marlet, lower limb specialists Dr Eugenio Jimeno, Dr Ignacio Ginebreda and Dr Manel Ribas, spinal specialists Dr Enric Caceres and Dr Maite Ubierna, and muscle specialist Dr J. Luis Doreste on call in Barcelona.
