587,474 sustainable successes to celebrate in the Making a Difference challenge

The challenge, in collaboration with AWorld, saw MotoGP™ fans register nearly 600,000 sustainable actions

In September 2023, MotoGP™ launched the Racing Together challenge in collaboration with AWorld, with fans around the world encouraged to download the app, learn about sustainability and social issues, and then register their positive actions. The challenge ran until the 26th of November, just after the 2023 season finale in Valencia.

Now, the results are in and all together, MotoGP™ fans have saved 6.2 million kilos of CO2, 67.3 million litres of water and 242,300 kWh of energy – making quite an impact! The savings were made thanks to the 569,465 sustainable actions taken by the fans taking part in the challenge, taking the challenge to well above the 500,000 target.

The most active fan also won two MotoGP VIP Village™ passes for a race in 2024, adding another win to a successful collaboration between MotoGP™, our fans, and AWorld – all with the target of working together towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Let's keep racing together in 2024!

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